Sunday, April 21, 2013

A letter from Sheridan Burke, ICOMOS ISC20c President

ICOMOS ISC20C Heritage Toolkit

A web-based toolkit of reference resources for conserving the Heritage of the Twentieth Century

This on-line reference collection of benchmark “best practice” documents is being progressively assembled by and for members of the ICOMOS ISC20C. The entries identify the range of work being done world-wide to simultaneously advance the development of heritage principles and technical research that is worth sharing to assist the conservation of Twentieth Century heritage.  

The ISC20C toolkit aims to share new methodologies and approaches to conservation practice, by providing access to information and sources that its own members find useful. All ISC20C members are invited to share up to 10 benchmark heritage tools (guidelines, policies, publications, websites) that they professionally  use regularly as reference resources - with a brief summary and a hyperlink or PDF where practical (and legal) to make them electronically accessible to everyone.

NOTE: The following thematic classification, under which the benchmark “best practice” documents have been sorted, has been developed using the Getty Conservation Institute  publication “Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage: A Bibliography” as an organizing framework.

Contributions from all ISC20C members in every language are welcome.   Sheridan Burke, ICOMOS ISC20C President

April 9, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Minding the Gap: The Role of Contemporary Architecture in the Historic Environment

С оглед на разликата: Ролята на съвременната архитектура в историческа среда

A One-Day Symposium еднодневен симпозиум
May 21, 2013, 8:00 am–8:30 pm 21 май 2013 г., 08:00 - 20:00 часа
Harold M. Williams Auditorium Зала "Харолд М. Уилиямс"
The Getty Center, Los Angeles Център "Пол Гети", Лос Анджелис
Heritage conservation is about managing change—and nowhere is this more contentious than in the historic urban environment. How do today's architects insert new buildings in cherished historic urban areas in a way that respects, reveals, and celebrates their special character while potentially creating the heritage of tomorrow?

This one-day public symposium will explore the role of contemporary architecture in the historic urban environment. A group of international architects and urban planners—including

Thomas H. Beeby,
Juergen Mayer H.,
Richard Meier,
Rafael Moneo,
Richard Rogers,
and Denise Scott Brown
will present their own work, illustrating a range of approaches to this challenge.
The symposium will conclude with an evening panel discussion moderated by architectural critic Paul Goldberger.
Консервацията на културното наследство е на път да се промени като начин на управление - и никъде това не е по-спорно, отколкото в историческата градска среда. Как днешните архитекти вписват нови сгради в грижливо пазените исторически градски части по начин, който да респектира, разкрива и акцентира техния специфичен характер докато потенциално създава културното наследство на утрешния ден?
Този открит еднодневен симпозиум ще изследва ролята на съвременната архитектура в историческата градска среда. Група международно утвърдени архитекти и градостроители - вкл. Томас Х. Бийби, Юрген Майер, Ричард Майер, Рафаел Монео, Ричард Роджерс и Денис Скот Браун - ще представят свои работи, илюстрирайки широк спектър от подходи към това предизвикателство. Симпозиумът ще завърши с дискусия във вечерен панел, модерирана от архитектурния критик Пол Голдбергер.